Best AWS Training in Hyderabad
AWS also provides VPC, which can be used to host our services on a private network which is not accessible from the internet, but can communicate with the resources in the same network. This restricts the access to the resources such that any ill intentioned user from the internet. AWS TRAINING IN HYDERABAD AMEERPET.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a secure cloud services platform, offering compute power, database storage, content delivery and other functionality to help businesses scale and grow.

Introduction to AWS DEVOPS
- What is DEVOPS in cloud?
- History of DEVOPS
- DEVOPS and software life cycle
- DEVOPS main objectives
- IAAS overview
- PAAS overview
- SAAS overview
- Continuous Testing and Integration
- Continuous Release and deployment
- Continuous Application monitoring
AWS Web Services
Basic of Linux for AWS
- Cd .Mkdir.Ls . Jobs .Chmod
- Vim .Vi& cat .Gzip.And many more……
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)(Complete)
- Different instance types
- AMI’s
- Volumes
- Snapshots
- EIP’s
- Key pairs
- Security groups
- Network Interfaces
- Load balancers
- Auto scaling
- Tags
- What is s3?
- Buckets & objects
- Pre-signed URL
- Permissions
- Distributions
- Relation between Cloud front,S3 & glacier
- VPC basics
- Public subnets & private subnets
- Network ACL’s
- Different between Network ACL & Security groups
- Route tables
- Internet gateways
- DHCP option sets
- Launch Servers with VPC.
- Basics of AWS permissions
- Roles
- Profiles
- Policies
- MFA authentication
- User permissions
- Groups based
- AWS key & Secret Key
Dynamo DB
- What is no sql technologies
- Dynamo DB capacity
- Create tables & do a sample projects
Route 53
- Hosted zone
- Types(Cname, Ip address, MX)
- Change references to meet CName
- Email services
- SMTP Servers
- Queue creations
- Retention periods
- Dead letters
- Topic
- Subscriptions
- Notification & Applications
Cloud Watch
- Different Metrics
- Monitoring
- Custom metrics
Cloud Formation
- Cloud formation templates
- Complete resources & explanation with sample templates
Cloud Front
Code deploy
- Why Code deploy
- How to apply patch with Code Deploy
Automation of Jobs
- Jenkins
Provisioning tools
- Chef basics
- Salt stack
Monitoring tools:
- Check_mk (Nagios)
Network Concepts:
- Active directory
- Computer name
- Network commands
- Python
- PowerShell
- Jinja
- Java
- AwsCli Commands
AWS Training in Hyderabad
AWS Online Training Institutes in Ameerpet
AWS online Training in Hyderabad
AWS Course Training in Hyderabad Ameerpet
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